Body Mind Reset Technique helps with many conditions and problems both emotional and physical. The list is far too extensive to mention all the possibilities here and I could suggest any worry or anxiety or limiting belief could benefit from BMRT, or be resolved completely. Here is a short example of presenting conditions I have successfully reset and completely recovered often in as little as one session. 

  • Fear of Public speaking
  • Fear of Driving
  • Fear of illness
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Fear of Rejection
  • Claustrophobia
  • Height Fear
  • Fear of Water/drowning
  • Confidence problems/Not good enough
  • Anxiety
  • Addictions
  • Anger Issues
  • Sleep Problems
  • Concentration Problems
  • Learning problems
  • PTSD
  • Fear of Flying
  • Grief
  • Fear of Spiders/snakes/ bugs/Mice
  • Fear of Dark
  • Fear of Needles
  • Meeting New people
  • Fear of Failure
  • Exam stress
  • Fear of illness/Death
  • Thunder/storms
  • Relationship issues
  • Work related issues
  • Bullying
  • Pain Post Injury or Surgery
  • Restrictive Movement post injury/surgery
  • Perfectionism
  • Hoarding

It is widely known and accepted that we are all born with only two fears, loud noises and falling backwards. Therefore the other anxieties or fears we live with are either learned through a personal event that happened or learned from someone else. Based on this knowledge I look for the origin of the installation of the presenting problem and with application of BMRT I am able to disconnect the original trigger in the primitive brain which results in a system which is calm and relaxed which previously was anxious and in fear.