
I just had a BMRT session with Breda and when I got home I took a nap because my brain was fried. 🙂

During the session I felt immediate shifts every single time she applied BMRT. I switched from being unable to talk through my tears and finding it hard to even breathe, to feeling calm and enjoying a peaceful quiet inside myself. Within a few minutes I was able to talk calmly about what had been bothering me and I felt truly peaceful.

With BMRT Breda helped me reconnect to my true self and as I am writing this I feel confident, calm, secure, safe and just amazingly happy to be me.


BMRT is the brainchild of Breda. The technique is the result of years of experience, mountains of knowledge and amazing intuition. It will be a true privilege to be able to learn from Breda and understand the magic that is her work.