Due the growing success I have experienced with BMRT over the last 2 years, I have been inundated with requests to teach my approach. That journey starts in 2023, once a venue is secured in Belgium my courses will begin here.

In this course I will be teaching about the unconscious mind, primitive brain, general adaption syndrome (Hans Selye) and integrating the teachings and theories of Dr Bruce Lipton and Dr Gabor Mate, to help the student understand how disease, anxiety and illness could be linked to or caused by limiting beliefs or past unresolved events or traumas and how they are sometimes unable to be resolved by conventional medicine or therapy alone. I will be explaining and teaching the student how only treating the body and ignoring the mind may be why issues remain unresolved.
The student will be taught to recognise limiting beliefs and events still active in the unconscious mind through the use of kinesiology muscle testing, body reading and unconscious language patterns.
The student will also be taught how to assess for any unconscious primitive brain protection mechanism which has been preventing the client from resolving this issue through other modalities up until this point. The student will be taught how to disconnect this protective mechanism through the application of BMRT.
The theory behind BMRT is taught and the process and application of the technique is taught within the 5-day course.
The student will have many opportunities during the 5 days to observe, implement and perform BMRT, which will demonstrate to the student how anxieties or others negative emotions etc can be resolved in a very short time. The technique teaches you how to disconnect the original trigger which has created this problem, which is still active in the unconscious mind causing a primitive brain response and then rest the unconscious mind in a positive way, which is a permanent reset, only required to be activated one time for each particular issue. This means when treating someone it is possible to reset many presenting issues in a one-hour session.
Kinesiology/Muscle testing relevant and specific to BMRT is taught along with other modalities of testing used in BMRT.
How to correctly do an intake and how to use this information to treat the client is also taught. Treating in person or digitally is also taught during the course.
The courses will be taught in English and the manual will be available in Dutch also. As I speak Dutch anything that is difficult to understand can be translated. There are solutions, and this is what I strive for in life, which brought me to the development of this ever-growing technique.
Required reading for my course is:
- Dr Bruce Lipton ‘Biology of Beliefs’
- Dr Gabor Mate ‘When the body says no
- Dr Hans Selye ‘The Stress of life’
These books are available in Dutch. There are also many podcasts on YouTube relating to the work of Dr Lipton and Dr Mate, which I recommend.
Upcoming courses
When | Location |
Wed 22 – Sun 26 November 2023 | Werf 44, 2970 Schilde |
Wed 7 – Sun 11 February 2024 | Werf 44, 2970 Schilde |
Wed 27 – Sun 31 March 2024 | Werf 44, 2970 Schilde |
Wed 10 – Sun 14 July 2024 | Werf 44, 2970 Schilde |
Wed 4 – Sun 8 September 2024 | Werf 44, 2970 Schilde |
Wed 23 – Sun 27 October 2024 | Werf 44, 2970 Schilde |
To register, or if you have any questions, please use the Contact Form