I am Breda Mc Quaid, Born in Ireland, moved to London in 1988 to study nursing. Following successful qualification, I began working in the Accident and Emergency department, I was promoted to the position of a Senior Nurse/Emergency Nurse Practitioner after a short time in Northwick Park Hospital in London. This position required me to assess/examine/diagnose minor injuries and prescribe treatment/medication in an autonomous way. I was responsible for requesting and analysing x-ray’s and carrying out required treatment. All of this was without a doctor’s input.
I moved to Belgium in 1997 with my husband due to relocation for his work and settled into life as a mother of 4 children. As my children started school I began to look for what my next adventure in life would be, and as the job I performed as a nurse in London did not exist here in Belgium or still doesn’t, I began to look elsewhere.
The list below is my qualifications and courses studied.
All of the above learning and studies have brought me to where I am today, and I am eternally grateful to each and every one who taught me on this journey. Every piece of that learning has helped me become who I am today.
Today using Body Mind Reset Technique I am able to resolve many of the conditions I previously treated with my body work modalities and having said that, there is still a place in my practice for using all of the above. I incorporate all of my knowledge when treating a client and based upon my interpretation and assessment, I decide jointly with my client the best approach to resolve their presenting problem. I also advise all clients to continue with whatever classical treatment they are prescribed. My work is never a replacement for classical medicine.
I have been working in a primary school in the Antwerp area for the 5 years on a voluntary basis, helping children with many of the issues and problems listed above. I have helped war veterans suffering from PTSD also with this approach. This was also on a voluntary basis.
There are many people who can benefit from this approach in many different environments and settings, both in a personal context or a professional context. The professional sports person or amateur sports person can also enhance their performance by working with this technique. I have worked with both professional and amateur sports with great success.
I speak fluent Dutch and of course my first language is English and therefore my preferred modality of communication. Due the growing success I have experienced with BMRT over the last 2 years I have been inundated with requests to teach my approach. That journey starts in 2023, once a venue is secured in Belgium my courses will begin here.